IBM VPC (gen2) Flavors

Mapping EC2 Instance Types to IBM Cloud Instance Profiles

IBM’s new Generation 2 VM Service has new profiles (flavors). This table maps common EC2 types to a similar type in IBM Cloud.

Note this is not official don’t sue me. This is for quick reference only, always check what you’re doing yourself.

AWS EC2 IBM Equivalent vCPU(IBM) Memory(G)(IBM) Notes
m4.large bx2-2x8 2 8 “Balanced”
m4.xlarge bx2-4x16 4 16 “Balanced”
m4.2xlarge bx2-8x32 8 32 “Balanced”
m4.4xlarge bx2-16x64 16 64 “Balanced”
m4.10xlarge bx2-32x128 32 128 “Balanced”, AWS values differ
m4.16xlarge bx2-48x192 48 192 “Balanced”, AWS values differ
c4.large cx2-2x4 2 4 “Compute”
c4.xlarge cx2-4x8 4 8 “Compute”
c4.2xlarge cx2-8x16 8 16 “Compute”
c4.4xlarge cx2-16x32 16 32 “Compute”
c4.8xlarge cx2-32x64 32 64 “Compute”, AWS values differ
c4.8xlarge cx2-48x96 48 96 “Compute”, duplicate, AWS values differ
r4.large mx2-2x16 2 16 “Memory”
r4.xlarge mx2-4x32 4 32 “Memory”
r4.2xlarge mx2-8x64 8 64 “Memory”
r4.4xlarge mx2-16x128 16 128 “Memory”
r4.8xlarge mx2-32x256 32 256 “Memory”, AWS values differ
r4.16xlarge mx2-48x384 48 385 “Memory”, AWS values differ

Get a view of IBM Cloud Gen 2 VPC Infrastructure instance profiles with this command:Com

$ ibmcloud is in-prs
Listing instance profiles for generation 2 compute in region us-south under account Cloud Open Source as user
Name         Architecture   Family     vCPUs   Memory(G)   Network Performance (Gbps)   GPUs
bx2-2x8      amd64          balanced   2       8           4                            -
bx2-4x16     amd64          balanced   4       16          8                            -
bx2-8x32     amd64          balanced   8       32          16                           -
bx2-16x64    amd64          balanced   16      64          32                           -
bx2-32x128   amd64          balanced   32      128         64                           -
bx2-48x192   amd64          balanced   48      192         80                           -
cx2-2x4      amd64          compute    2       4           4                            -
cx2-4x8      amd64          compute    4       8           8                            -
cx2-8x16     amd64          compute    8       16          16                           -
cx2-16x32    amd64          compute    16      32          32                           -
cx2-32x64    amd64          compute    32      64          64                           -
cx2-48x96    amd64          compute    48      96          80                           -
mx2-2x16     amd64          memory     2       16          4                            -
mx2-4x32     amd64          memory     4       32          8                            -
mx2-8x64     amd64          memory     8       64          16                           -
mx2-16x128   amd64          memory     16      128         32                           -
mx2-32x256   amd64          memory     32      256         64                           -
mx2-48x384   amd64          memory     48      384         80                           -
