IBM VPC (gen2) Flavors
Mapping EC2 Instance Types to IBM Cloud Instance Profiles
IBM’s new Generation 2 VM Service has new profiles (flavors). This table maps common EC2 types to a similar type in IBM Cloud.
Note this is not official don’t sue me. This is for quick reference only, always check what you’re doing yourself.
AWS EC2 | IBM Equivalent | vCPU(IBM) | Memory(G)(IBM) | Notes |
m4.large | bx2-2x8 | 2 | 8 | “Balanced” |
m4.xlarge | bx2-4x16 | 4 | 16 | “Balanced” |
m4.2xlarge | bx2-8x32 | 8 | 32 | “Balanced” |
m4.4xlarge | bx2-16x64 | 16 | 64 | “Balanced” |
m4.10xlarge | bx2-32x128 | 32 | 128 | “Balanced”, AWS values differ |
m4.16xlarge | bx2-48x192 | 48 | 192 | “Balanced”, AWS values differ |
c4.large | cx2-2x4 | 2 | 4 | “Compute” |
c4.xlarge | cx2-4x8 | 4 | 8 | “Compute” |
c4.2xlarge | cx2-8x16 | 8 | 16 | “Compute” |
c4.4xlarge | cx2-16x32 | 16 | 32 | “Compute” |
c4.8xlarge | cx2-32x64 | 32 | 64 | “Compute”, AWS values differ |
c4.8xlarge | cx2-48x96 | 48 | 96 | “Compute”, duplicate, AWS values differ |
r4.large | mx2-2x16 | 2 | 16 | “Memory” |
r4.xlarge | mx2-4x32 | 4 | 32 | “Memory” |
r4.2xlarge | mx2-8x64 | 8 | 64 | “Memory” |
r4.4xlarge | mx2-16x128 | 16 | 128 | “Memory” |
r4.8xlarge | mx2-32x256 | 32 | 256 | “Memory”, AWS values differ |
r4.16xlarge | mx2-48x384 | 48 | 385 | “Memory”, AWS values differ |
Get a view of IBM Cloud Gen 2 VPC Infrastructure instance profiles with this command:Com
$ ibmcloud is in-prs
Listing instance profiles for generation 2 compute in region us-south under account Cloud Open Source as user
Name Architecture Family vCPUs Memory(G) Network Performance (Gbps) GPUs
bx2-2x8 amd64 balanced 2 8 4 -
bx2-4x16 amd64 balanced 4 16 8 -
bx2-8x32 amd64 balanced 8 32 16 -
bx2-16x64 amd64 balanced 16 64 32 -
bx2-32x128 amd64 balanced 32 128 64 -
bx2-48x192 amd64 balanced 48 192 80 -
cx2-2x4 amd64 compute 2 4 4 -
cx2-4x8 amd64 compute 4 8 8 -
cx2-8x16 amd64 compute 8 16 16 -
cx2-16x32 amd64 compute 16 32 32 -
cx2-32x64 amd64 compute 32 64 64 -
cx2-48x96 amd64 compute 48 96 80 -
mx2-2x16 amd64 memory 2 16 4 -
mx2-4x32 amd64 memory 4 32 8 -
mx2-8x64 amd64 memory 8 64 16 -
mx2-16x128 amd64 memory 16 128 32 -
mx2-32x256 amd64 memory 32 256 64 -
mx2-48x384 amd64 memory 48 384 80 -